How do we "practice Christian unity as much as possible on the local level" according to Keller?
- In Christendom, when 'everyone was a Christian' it was necessary (perhaps) for a church to define itself over against other churches. That is, to get an identity you had to say, "we are not like that church over there, or those Christians over here."
- Today, however, it is much more illuminating and helpful for a church to define itself over against 'the world'--the values of the non-Christian culture. It is very important that we not spend our time bashing and criticizing other kinds of churches. That simply plays in to the common 'defeater' that Christians are all intolerant.
- While we have to align ourselves in denominations that share many of our distinctives, at the local level we should cooperate and reach out to and support the other congregations and churches in our local area. This will raise many thorny issues, of course, but our bias should be in the direction of cooperation.
Keller = the man
John = the man
John ≠ the man.
Trust me.
I agree, John isnt.
Also, what is with the Tim Keller kick lately. Write stuff about God. He is BIG. Bigger than Tim Keller in fact.
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