"But the angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay'" (Matthew 28.5-6).
Woe to us if we preach Christ crucified and leave Him in the grave! - John
Hey...quick question for you. As far as English translations of the Bible and from my memory. The only current translations that actually had many scholars looking at the 'original' manuscripts were the KJV and the NIV. All of the other translations were derived from the research that they did for those translations. Right?
Good question...
All modern translations of the Bible have lots of scholars looking at the 'original' manuscripts. For example, the Christian Standard Version, which is produced by Holman, utilized no English translation as an initial paradigm. They used all kinds of sophiticated software with its 21st century advancements. I believe that is why they so accurately rendered John 3:16 in spite of the precedence established by the KJV.
However, you are correct to note that the research for various translations follow a family line. For example, the ESV , which I use, relied heavily upon the RSV. The NASB, which is a good literal translation, follows in the line of the ASV. There are advantages and disadvantages associated with this practice. Bible scholars have made significant advances in understanding the Semitic languages recently. This allows us to more accurately render some of those enigmatic Old Testament passages more accurately. Yet, there is no need to constantly reinvent the wheel when it comes to a lot of the linguistic research.
Why do you ask?
Cause I just bought the NHV, and I wanted to know how it compared. NHV? New Heretical Version; why do you ask?
(Actually, there is a new believer who has been recently attending the Sunday School class that I'm in, and last Sunday's discussion led me to telling her that the NIV and the KJV were the only ones that I knew that the scholars actually did their homework on. She ended up going out and buying a new NIV Bible because of the discussion. Pray that I get hidden in the cross with her. She and a lot of the other people in the class look up to me. But I'm just an idiot with a lot of Bible knowledge. If ya know what I mean. ;) )
We are in the same boat, brother.
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