What does it mean to "enter and re-tell the culture's stories with the gospel" according to Keller?
- In "Christendom" it is possible to simply exhort Christianized people to "do what they know they should." There is little or no real engagement, listening, or persuasion. It is more a matter of exhortation (and often, heavy reliance on guilt.) In a missional church preaching and communication should always assume the presence of skeptical people, and should engage their stories, not simply talk about "old times."
- To "enter" means to show sympathy toward and deep acquaintance with the literature, music, theater, etc. of the existing culture's hopes, dreams, 'heroic' narratives, fears.
- To "re-tell" means to show how only in Christ can we have freedom without slavery and embracing of the 'other' without injustice.
* The older culture's story was--to be a good person, a good father/mother, son/daughter, to live a decent, merciful, good life.
* Now the culture's story is-- a) to be free and self-created and authentic (theme of freedom from oppression), and b) to make the world safe for everyone else to be the same (theme of inclusion of the 'other'; justice).
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