Could there be two groups of "others?" One on the small island and the one on the main island.
When Desmond is talking to Kelvin in the Season 2 Finale, someone mentions the Northern shore of the island. The other replies with "Going to see the hostiles, then?" If the Hostiles are on the Nothern shore, but the actual others are off to the East on their little island – this would imply that there are two competing factions of others.
Also, both Benry and Goodwin instisted that their group was "the good guys." This implies that there are bad guys too...
Could Nathan be part of a different group? How many times have we heard "the others" state that they don't kill. They might not have used the word kill, but you get the point. Goodwin kills Nathan with no remorse or anything.
Nathan could be the "hostile" that Kelvin referred to. There are two groups of others on the Island – Ben's group of "goodies" and the "Hostile's"... Nathan was a Hostile and Goodwin knew it, that is why he had to die! The Hostile's are bad!
Just thinking...
We just had our "Lost" party here. I enjoy your blog. Its fun to keep up with you through it.
P.S. The only way your theory of the two "others" is if there are two Bejamines. Obviously one group has all of the "Good Guys" (Jack, Kate, & Sawyer).
There is a clone theory floating around, Allen. It could be utilized to come up with two Bens.
But who knows? I don't even think J.J. Abrams does, but this is food for thought.
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