"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave."

Katharina Von Bora, wife of Martin Luther. Luther rescued this beautiful flower from a gloomy, concealed life. She became his wife in 1525, was a real helper in the work of the Reformation and became a joyful mother of 4 children.
Hmmmm...It seems your regular blogees don't love you so much today, John. I would have to say that Luther has a very interesting perspective. It is my belief that the wife, both yours and all other married men, does make the husband glad to come home. Home may not be the physical place you would come home, but I think "home" can also be defined as being united with your wife after spending time away from each other. Being united as one flesh, it can be hard to see the husband or wife leave. But when you are united again with your wife, it does make us glad. Luther hit the nail right on the head and his statements made then still hold true for today's society.
True! True!
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