Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Picture of the Day


godgivensmile said...

Check please!

Joshua 6:27 said...

toss up between

"Gods creativity is glorious, life is miraculous"


that scene in Aliens where that guy is eating food and all of a sudden,...well, you know.

godgivensmile said...

I lean more towards the latter.

*POP!* *Alien child screams* *Door closes behind me as I'm twenty feet down the hall.*

John, this isn't your alien child is it?

John said...

Well, it is funny that you asked, Smiley. We...uh...wait a minute...

What is that noise in the other room? Hey, honey? Are you OK, sweetie?!?

What is that coming in the...UHHHHHHH!!! OH, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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send he;alskdnnng

godgivensmile said...

Wait a that your wife's tummy or not!?

If it is...HOLY COW...Kudos to her!

If not...I hope that the photo was doctored, at which point...Kudos to the editor! :)

Nonseriously: I hope your living in Aliens, which I'm told by Josh that is the only movie of the series that the humans actually had a fighting chance.

Wait...why was that the 'nonserious' comment? Oh well...your loss. :)

John said...

No, it's not my wife, but her belly is getting there.

I believe that the photo was doctored. I have heard women say that a bulge from a the baby's elbow or heal would emerge from the belly once in a while.

Yeah, Josh is correct. [Dare I say otherwise!] Aliens is the best of the series! The Space Corp is my only hope.The Space Corp is my only hope.

Joshua 6:27 said...

what you really need to do is sit down with the extended version, director's cut.

five words

motion sensor automated gun turrets

why that scene escaped the final cut I'll never know.