Let us rouse ourselves to take hold of God, Isaiah 64:7(ESV) to seek his face, Psalm 27:8(ESV) and to ascribe to him the glory due his name. Psalm 29:2(ESV)
O you whose name is the LORD, who alone is the Most High over all the earth. Psalm 83:18(ESV) O LORD our God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty, you cover yourself with light as with a garment; Psalm 104:1-2(ESV) and yet to us you make darkness your canopy, Psalm 18:11(ESV) for we cannot draw up our case because of darkness. Job 37:19(ESV)
To us belongs open shame, because we have sinned against you. Daniel 9:8(ESV) If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared. Psalm 130:3-4(ESV) With you there is steadfast love! Yes, with you, our God, there is plentiful redemption, and you will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Psalm 130:7-8(ESV)
Lord, all our longing is before you, and our sighing is not hidden from you, Psalm 38:9(ESV) even the sighs and groanings too deep for words; for, you who searches the heart knows what is the mind of the Spirit. Romans 8:26-27(ESV) Lord, we come to you, as the poor tax collector that stood far off and would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his cheat; and we pray his prayer, “God, be merciful to us sinners.” Luke 18:13(ESV) O God of infinite mercy be merciful to us! And meet with your people in worship. Amen.
Our souls bless you, LORD. Let all that is within us bless your holy name. Psalm 103:1-2(ESV) Your goodness is your glory, Exodus 33:19(ESV) and because of your goodness all your works give thanks to you and all the saints bless you. Psalm 145:10(ESV) Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up. God, you are our salvation. Psalm 68:19(ESV) O how wonderfully did your goodness and loving kindness appear! You saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to your own mercy. Titus 3:4-5(ESV) We had destroyed ourselves, but in you, and you only, was our help. Hosea 13:9(KJV) We thank you that having bore the sin of many, Christ makes intercession for transgressors, Isaiah 53:12(ESV) and prays, not only for those who were given to him when he was on earth, but also for all those who will believe in him through their word; that we may all be one. John 17:20-21(ESV) Grant that we are one…
Lord, build up and protect your church. Do good to Zion in your good pleasure; build up the walls of Jerusalem. Psalm 51:18(ESV) Peace be within her walls and security within her towers. For our brothers and companions’ sake, we now ask, “Peace be within her.” Psalm 122:7-8(ESV) Yes…
Lord, we pray for the peace and purity of your church. Let your Spirit be poured out upon your churches from on high, and then the wilderness shall become a fruitful field; Isaiah 32:12(ESV) then justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it. Psalm 94:15(ESV) Let what remains be put into order, Titus 1:5(ESV) and let every plant that is not of our heavenly Father’s planting be rooted up. Matthew 15:13(ESV) Within your church…
Lord, we pray for the officers of your church. Teach all who serve in your name how they should behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, 1 Timothy 3:15(ESV) that they may not preach themselves but Jesus Christ as Lord, 2 Corinthians 4:5(ESV) and may do their best to present themselves approved to you, workmen who have no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15(ESV) Make them good examples to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity; 1 Timothy 4:12(ESV) and let them purify themselves who bear the vessels of the Lord, Isaiah 52:11(ESV) and let HOLY TO THE LORD be written upon their foreheads. Exodus 28:36(ESV) And we ask for those outside the church or estranged from you…
Lord we pray for enemies of the gospel and all those who disgrace Christianity by their vicious and immoral lives. O teach transgressors your ways, and let sinners return to you. Psalm 51:13(ESV) O give them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, 2 Timothy 2:25(ESV) the truth as it is in Jesus, Ephesians 4:21(ESV) the truth which accords with godliness; Titus 1:1(ESV) that they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil. 2 Timothy 2:26(ESV) We especially pray for wayward brothers and sisters. Let those who are straying like sheep return to Jesus Christ, the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls. 1 Peter 2:25(ESV) Hear us…
Lord, we pray for our friends and those who love us. We wish for all those whom we love in truth, that all may go well with them and that they may be in good health. We especially pray that it will go well with their souls. 2 John 1:2(ESV) May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with their spirits. Philemon 1:25(ESV) Finally…
Lord, we pray for the good of this nation, the United States of America. Restore this nation to yourself, O Lord GOD of hosts, and let your face shine, that we may be saved! O stir up your might and come to save us! Psalm 80:2-3(ESV) God, be a wall of fire all around this nation and the glory in the midst of this nation. Zechariah 2:5(ESV) Let your gospel be the glory of this nation. Isaiah 4:5(ESV) We beg in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that there may be no divisions among us, but that we be united in the same mind and the same judgment. 1 Corinthians 1:10(ESV)
Now, Lord, direct our hearts to your love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5(ESV) God of Israel, grant us the things we have requested of you. 1 Samuel 1:17(ESV) We entreat your favor, O God, with all our heart; be gracious to us according to your promise, Psalm 119:58(ESV) for in your favor is life; Psalm 30:5(ESV) yes, your steadfast love is better than life itself. Psalm 63:3(ESV) Amen.
1 comment:
Hi John, I just found your blog, which I highly appreciate, and I wonder why don't you keep doing it...
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