I've been reading B.B. Warfield and constantly find his work relevant and compelling. Here is what my fellow Kentuckian has to say about the Bible.
"Ex ungue leonem; the world has never known a book so distinctively a people's book as the Bible has been since its origin. In this sense Christians have been from the first, above all other people who have lived in the world, the people of a book. The book and the people have been bound so closely together that we hardly know whether it were juster to say that where Christianity has gone there the Bible has gone, or that where the Bible has gone there Christianity has gone. In the first age of the Church, pre-eminently, the Christian and his book were inseparable. The Bible was not so much the book of the Church as the book of the Christian; and from the cradle to the grave every Christian was expected to keep it in his hand and in his heart, to live in and by it."
I like a lot of what Mr. Warfield said, except his thoughts on evolution. Granted, it was still new at the time and I respect his desire to deal with contrary ideas. If he were still alive today I doubt he would be as accepting of its compatibility with scripture.
I agree. It goes to show you that each of us have our flaws of various sorts. It shouldn't surprise us in light of the radical (in the original meaning of the word - "radical") nature of sin.
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