I have a strange theory that the plot of a story is only as strong as the villains of the story.
Along with Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, Othello is one of Shakespeare's four great tragedies and thus a pillar of what most critics take to be the apex of Shakespeare's dramatic art. Iago, who is arguably the greatest villain in English literature, is a character who essentially writes the play's main plot.
You Star Wars fans know that the richness of the story is closely connected to the story of Darth Vader. In fact, the climatic ending of Episode Three was centered around Anakin Skywalker becoming the infamous character. (According to Josh of http://joshua627.blogspot.com/ fame, Lucas wept at that point in the movie.)
Furthermore, I merely need to mention Satan and rebellious mankind to make the Bible readers' mind to dwell on the richness of the greatest story of all, the redemptive history of God recorded in the Bible.
I wonder who your favorite villain is? Do you want to share?
Mine is the Witch-king of Angmar, who is the Lord of the Nazgûl. I picked him because he is the scariest bad guy that I have read about apart from Satan. (The Nazgûl give me the shivers.) Too bad Tolkien didn't have Gandalf crunch him in an awesome battle instead of Éowyn. Oh, well!
Now it is your turn. Silliness is appropriate.
Mugatu is the scarriest of all!
I would have to say Shaquille O'Neal in one of the scariest movies of all time, Kazaam. But coming in a close second is Hulk Hogan in that movie where he plays the role of a nanny.
Oh, and do you know how the top 3 rappers of all time are????
Hillary Clinton gives me nightmares, even though we are from the same State!
What state is Hillary from? Transylvania?
Action Movie Bad Guys: Nicholas Cage / John Travolta in FaceOff
Drama Movie Bad Guy: Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate
"say hello to my little friend..."
oh wait,...wrong pacino reference
I think it is so tipical that southern narrow minded people would have somehting like that to say about a pioneer like Mrs. Clinton. Your comments are disrespectful to her and her position. I am sure you have nothing bad to say about Bush.
William the Silent
Dear William the Silent, engage your name since your mind seems disengaged. HRC is a disoriented Southern oportunist. Stick to movies and entertain yourself to oblivian - thinking is not required.
Harry Lamar
to "William the Silent": "I am sure you have nothing bad to say about Bush." Actually, his policies on immigration leave a GREAT deal to be desired...just for one example. However, as it is, Bush rocks; and I would like to reiterate Harry Lamar: "engage your name since your mind seems disengaged. HRC is a disoriented Southern oportunist."
to Harry Lamar: ROFL....good call!
to John: I will actually disagree with you. "Furthermore, I merely need to mention Satan and rebellious mankind to make the Bible readers' mind to dwell on the richness of the greatest story of all, the redemptive history of God recorded in the Bible."
This sounds like your answer to: "does there have to be evil in order for good to be good?" would be "yes." I disagree wholeheartedly. Though the understanding of our depravity (even more so than the devil himself), should point the believer in cacaphonies of praise to our Lord and Savior...I do not believe that our depravity and/or the fall of Lucifer creates the richness of the story. God is good. Without Lucifer turning away from Him and without our rebellion, God would still be good. The devil and the power of sin is no real power; it is the absence of power.
Let's look at this another way. I believe that if Lucifer actually stayed with God (along with his hosts) and that if Adam and Eve followed the one command, then the richness of God's story would be all the better. Think about it; all of God's creations willfully (don't get lost in predestination at this point...stick with me! ;) ) following God and loving Him day in and day out. How cool would it be to be in that garden of Eden today butt naked and walking with Him in the cool of the evening? If anything Satan and sin have 'seemingly' diminished God's goodness.
With all that said, I agree that in our human stories; you need to have a super evil villian in order for the good guys victory be all the sweeter!
HA! Stick that in your Paradoxical pipe and smoke it! buhahahahahha...*cough* *haaaackkk* *cough* hahahaha!
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